These definitions and concepts form the fundamental building blocks of reinforcement learning (RL), a powerful machine learning paradigm that enables agents to learn and make decisions through interaction with an environment. RL finds applications in a wide range of fields, from robotics to game playing to finance. Reinforcement Learning (RL) revolves around the idea of an agent learning to navigate its environment to achieve certain goals. Key terms and concepts in RL include:
- Reinforcement Learning (RL): A machine learning paradigm where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or punishments.
- Markov Decision Process (MDP): A mathematical framework used to model RL problems, consisting of a set of states, actions, transition probabilities, rewards, and a discount factor.
- Policy: A strategy or a mapping from states to actions that determines the agent’s behavior.
- Value Function: A function that assigns a value to each state or state-action pair, representing the expected return or utility under a given policy.
- Q-Learning: A model-free RL algorithm that learns action-value functions directly without explicitly estimating state-value functions.
- Temporal Difference (TD) Learning: A class of RL algorithms that update value functions based on the difference between the current estimate and a delayed estimate.
- Exploration vs. Exploitation: The trade-off between trying out new actions to gain more information about the environment (exploration) and exploiting known actions to maximize immediate rewards (exploitation).
- Bellman Equation: An equation that expresses the relationship between the value of a state and the values of its successor states.
- Discount Factor: A parameter (usually denoted as γ) that determines the importance of future rewards relative to immediate rewards in RL algorithms.
- Policy Evaluation: The process of estimating the value function for a given policy.
- Policy Iteration: An RL algorithm that alternates between policy evaluation and policy improvement steps to converge to an optimal policy.
- Value Iteration: An RL algorithm that performs a sequence of updates to the value function until it converges to the optimal value function.
- On-Policy Learning: RL algorithms that learn and improve the policy they use to interact with the environment.
- Off-Policy Learning: RL algorithms that learn and improve a policy different from the one used to generate the data.
- Exploration-Exploitation Trade-Off: The balance between trying out new actions (exploration) and maximizing immediate rewards (exploitation) to find the optimal policy.
- Policy Gradient Methods: RL algorithms that directly optimize the parameters of a policy using gradient ascent.
- Advantage Function: A function that estimates the advantage of taking a particular action in a given state compared to the expected value under the current policy.
- Deep Q-Network (DQN): A RL algorithm that combines Q-learning with deep neural networks to handle high-dimensional state spaces.
- Experience Replay: A technique in which RL agents store past experiences in a replay buffer and sample from it during the learning process to improve sample efficiency.
- Eligibility Traces: Mechanisms used in RL algorithms to assign credit to previous states or actions for long-term consequences.
- Monte Carlo Methods: RL algorithms that estimate value functions by averaging the returns obtained from complete episodes of interaction.
- Policy Search: A class of RL algorithms that directly search for an optimal policy by evaluating different policies and selecting the best ones.
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO): A policy optimization algorithm that iteratively updates policies while ensuring that the updates are not too large.
- Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO): A policy optimization algorithm that constrains the policy updates to a specified region in the policy space.
- Actor-Critic Methods: RL algorithms that combine policy gradient methods (the actor) with value function estimation (the critic) to improve stability and convergence.
- Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE): A technique for estimating the advantage function by combining TD errors over multiple time steps.
- Stochastic Policy: A policy that chooses actions based on a probability distribution.
- Deterministic Policy: A policy that selects a single action with the highest probability of being optimal.
- Model-Based RL: An approach in which the agent builds an internal model of the environment to plan and make decisions.
- Model-Free RL: An approach in which the agent learns directly from interactions with the environment without explicitly building a model.
- Reward Shaping: The process of designing additional reward signals to guide the agent towards desired behaviors and improve learning efficiency.
- Exploration Strategies: Techniques used to encourage exploration, such as ε-greedy, softmax, or Thompson sampling.
- Batch RL: RL algorithms that learn from a fixed dataset, collected before the learning process, without interacting with the environment.
- Policy Distillation: The process of transferring knowledge from a complex policy to a simpler one by distilling the behavior or value function.
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG): An off-policy actor-critic algorithm that combines DQN with policy gradient methods for continuous action spaces.
- Continuous Action Space: RL problems where actions are chosen from a continuous range, requiring specialized algorithms to handle.
- Discrete Action Space: RL problems where actions are chosen from a finite set, enabling the use of tabular methods.
- Function Approximation: The use of parameterized functions, such as neural networks, to approximate value functions or policies in RL.
- Exploration Exploitation Function: A function that dynamically balances exploration and exploitation based on the agent’s progress and learning.
- Policy Initialization: The process of initializing the policy parameters to a reasonable starting point before learning.
- Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL): A framework where the agent infers the underlying reward function from observed expert behavior.
- Multi-Armed Bandit: A simplified RL problem with a single state and multiple actions, focusing on the exploration-exploitation trade-off.
- Transfer Learning: The process of leveraging knowledge or policies learned in one task to improve learning or performance in a different but related task.
- Convergence: The state when an RL algorithm reaches a stable and optimal policy or value function.
- Exploration Decay: A technique that gradually decreases the exploration rate over time as the agent becomes more knowledgeable about the environment.
- On-Policy Evaluation: Estimating the value function or expected return by sampling trajectories generated by the current policy.
- Off-Policy Evaluation: Estimating the value function or expected return using data generated by a different policy.
- Model-Free Control: The process of finding an optimal policy without explicitly estimating the underlying dynamics or model.
- OpenAI Gym: A popular RL toolkit that provides a standardized environment interface for developing and benchmarking RL algorithms.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning: The integration of deep neural networks with RL algorithms to handle complex high-dimensional state and action spaces.